Thursday, 2 August 2018

Cook Islands

This week it was cook island week and we were learning cook island greeting watch and read  this slide and you will learn it too.


  1. Kia Ora my name is Lukus and I'm from room 7. I remember when i did the same thing like this blog for Cook Island language week. Can you speak any Cook Island

    Blog you later,


    1. thank you for the comment i will try to learn how to speak cook island

  2. Hi I am Natalie in Room 18. I like your stuff about the Cook Islands. It was full of information and I learnt a lot. I think you could have put a few more pictures. I think it is great when someone who is not from the Cook Islands does work about it and presents it in a great way.If you would like to look at my block go to

  3. thank you for the comment and i will add more pictures when i post a cook island blog thank you so much bye Fatima


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