Thursday, 20 December 2018

1 comment:

  1. Hey Fatima,

    Well done on completing another Summer Learning Journey activity, "Fabulous Ferns". You have done a great job researching these three teams. I did a bit of research myself and found out that the Black Ferns won the World Rugby Team of the Year in 2018. What an incredible achievement that is for the team.The silver fern has been an iconic symbol among New Zealand sports teams for many years. In fact, the All Blacks used to present their opponents with silver ferns following a match as an act of sportsmanship. My Grandfather used to play rugby for the Scotland team and was a recipient of one of these ferns. How cool is that?

    What is it about the Silver ferns uniform that you like the most?

    I look forward to reading your answer so that I can award you the full 4 points.

    Nga mihi,
    Megan :)


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