Wednesday, 2 January 2019

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fatima,

    I'm Leslie and I'm a member of the Summer Learning Journey team reading your blog from my home in Canada.

    I'm so glad that you've decided to participate in the Summer Learning Journey program this summer. Excellent!!

    For this activity you were asked to list 2 rivers in New Zealand that are polluted. You were also asked to tell where they are, and what is being done to clean them up. You've listed 2 rivers but you haven't completed the rest of the activity. For full points you could add more information to this posting with the information that's missing. You could google the rivers to see what you can learn about these special places.

    I hope you'll give that a try.

    It's sad that so many rivers are polluted. We have that problem in Canada too and so we're working hard to change laws so that companies and communities have to stop pouring toxic waste into our water systems. Even farms can be polluters - something we don't always realize.

    Let's hope that people everywhere can work together to solve this type of problem so that everyone can have clean water!!!

    I hope you're enjoying your summer holidays and I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog.




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